Alpha Release Update
What’s been happening the past weeks
On the 5th of December the Alpha Version of our first racing game called: Rumble Race went online and as their benefit, the META NANOs VIP Holders were among the first ones who had access and were able to play before anyone else.
Releasing a game we’ve been working on for a very long time has been a huge turning point, because now not only the team but also community members are experiencing what the game is like, and with that comes an abundance of potential feedback that we are considering and will continue to consider in the future.
The week after, we discussed and decided that every member who owns at least one Crystal Pass, has now also access to Rumble Race.
Now that more and more players started to join and the interest rose even higher, the team of META NANOs scheduled a Rumble Race Get-Together on the 15th of December, where team members and community members (who own a Crystal Pass) joined the game at the same time and were able to play against each other. The fun and excitement level you have when playing against other players is hard to describe, if you want to know, you’ll have to join the game and experience it yourself!
On Monday, the 19th of December, the flag turned golden and all our Gold Pass Holders were given access to play the alpha of Rumble Race. As Christmas comes a little early for the META NANOs family and because of the fact that we are having the best time playing against our community members, the next Rumble-Race-Meet-UP will be on the 23rd of December. Every VIP, Crystal and Gold Pass Holder is invited to join the game and play against the META NANOs team.
Next Up: Our Silver Pass Holders. With a little more patience, you will be able to join the game as well and we can’t wait for you to see and join in on the adventure.
In addition, if you are unsure what the META NANOs VIP Passes are, what is included and what kind of benefits it will bring you, kindly wait for the next article where we will introduce every single pass and their advantages.
In the meantime, you can checkout the passes and maybe get your hands on one of those pretty NFTs:
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